Friday, December 05, 2014

The Final Week! Moxie Jean's:
"30 Ways, 30 Days" Campaign!

We did it! Together, we have gone through a journey over the past month sharing how each of us are giving back to our communities and taking the time to share with our children the core value of philanthropic living. In big ways and small ways we are helping our neighbors, families, schools, churches and local non-profit organizations. Together we are raising amazing charitable children! Read on below for the last week of tips and join our Facebook Community to keep in touch and continue to post ideas or tips for giving back using the hashtag #Moxie30Ways.

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Tags charitable children giving back philanthropy Sharon Schneider upscale resale

Friday, November 28, 2014

Week 4: "30 Ways, 30 Days:
How to Raise Charitable Children"

It's Week 4 of our "30 Ways, 30 Days" Campaign and it has been a wonderful week of giving thanks! Not only for you our Moxie Jean customers but for our team here at the Moxie Jean home office. We are truly a community of moms helping moms: With sick kids, extra days off of school and a host of other mom-responsibilities over the last few weeks, the team at Moxie Jean has been stepping up to help each other and to help our company reach our goals, especially as we prepare for our biggest upload of new inventory ever on Cyber Monday! They are amazing human beings who work joyfully and carefully to provide you with a 5-star service, and we are so lucky to have every one of them. Thank you to all of you.

Today is Day 24 and as we wrap up Black Friday we ask that if as you are today and during the holiday shopping season....find room in your budget if possible to pick up a toy to donate to a child in need! And, our special "How Do You Give Back" give away continues. Enter to win $30 in Moxie Money when you share how your family gives back to the community!

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Tags charitable children giving back kids clothing philanthropy upscale resale

Friday, November 21, 2014

Week 3: '30 Ways, 30 Days:
How to Raise Charitable Children'

We're wrapping up Week 3 of our "30 Ways, 30 Days" Campaign and we continue to be amazed and delighted with all of the wonderful ways you all are giving back to your communities!

It's Day 17 and our tip today is all about how can your company or business give back to the community? At Moxie Jean we donate clothes we can't sell to a local organization, The Kid's Pantry, who provides families in need across the Mid-West with clothes, shoes and coats. Share with us how you give back through your company or employer and we may feature your story in our next blog post. When you post, you'll be entered to win $30 in Moxie Money....which you can use now or save for the new year!

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Tags charitable children giving back philanthropy

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week 2: "30 Ways, 30 Days:
How to Raise Charitable Children"

As we wrap up Week 2 of our "30 Ways, 30 Days" Campaign we are excited and blown away by all of the stories you guys are sharing about how you are giving back to your friends, your family and the communities you live in!

Today's Day 10 Tip is from Fan C., a member of the Moxie Jean Community who shared how she and her family share the produce, eggs and even fresh maple syrup with families in their town. Over the next few weeks we'll continue to share a tips from you all on how your teaching your kids in to give back, so keep your stories coming. When you share a tip you are entered to win $50 in Moxie Money....perfect for holiday dresses or cold weather gear!

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Tags charitable children giving back philanthropy Sharon Schneider

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Moxie Jean Season of Giving:
30 Ways, 30 Days To Raise Charitable Children

After spending a dozen years advising charities, from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation down to the smallest neighborhood nonprofit, having 3 children helped me realize something very basic, but very important – giving money to charity may not be the most important or effective way to be charitable.

Why? Because when times are tight, few of us are writing checks to charity with the same frequency and the same number of zeroes as when we feel secure in our jobs and flush in our retirement accounts. And so the “charity” portion of our monthly budget starts to look like discretionary spending that can be reduced, especially in lieu of other, more urgent needs for a growing family. If we think being charitable equals “giving money” then charity can easily fall out of our lives.

(Join the conversation! Share with us how your family gives back to the community and you could win $50 in Moxie Money for telling us your favorite ways to teach your children to be charitable.)

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Tags charitable children giving back philanthropy save money savings Sharon Schneider